Nickelodeon was in an odd place when Sanjay and Craig premiered. Kids were still watching it, but people online hated it and felt that it was going through a Dork Age. This might stem from the fact that in 2013, the very same year that Sanjay and Craig premiered, The Mysterious Mr. Enter started doing his Animated Atrocity reviews, and the internet quickly made him the Reviewing Messiah. A year later, in 2014, Mr. Enter's popularity was at an all-time high, and he did a series of reviews talking about how much he hates 2010s Nickelodeon. The first of those reviews was an episode of Sanjay and Craig, so everyone assumed that the show was bad simply because Mr. Enter said so. Because that's how the cartoon community on the internet thought during this time. Remember when Mr. Enter gave out the link to Casey Alexander's Twitter page and sicced his fans on the guy*? That was from 2014 too.
However, a few of Mr. Enter's detractors insisted that Sanjay and Craig wasn't as bad as he was making it out to be. They claimed that it was actually a pretty good show, Mr. Enter just reviewed one of the weaker episodes. That's why I decided to do a review of it. To see who was right - Mr. Enter's fans or Mr. Enter's detractors.
But enough about Mr. Enter, let's talk about Sanjay and Craig itself. The show focuses on the wacky adventures of a kid named Sanjay (voiced by Maulik Pancholy, aka Baljeet from Phineas and Ferb) and his talking snake Craig (voiced by Chris Hardwick). It premiered on Nickelodeon in 2013 and managed to get three seasons, so clearly SOMEBODY was watching it. As for me, I watched one or two episodes of the show before but couldn't really get into it. Let's watch one episode... well, actually, each episode consists of two segments a la other Nicktoons, so maybe it should actually be considered TWO episodes... and see if it really is as bad as Mr. Enter and his fans make it out to be or if it's yet another cartoon that gets too much unfair hate.
First up, the episode "Hot Sauce Boss".
The episode begins at a place called the "Frycade", which I'm guessing is Sanjay and Craig's favorite hangout. The guy that owns the place, Penny Pepper (John DiMaggio), delivers a plate of hot wings to his most loyal customer, Chuck (Nolan North).
You'll notice, of course, that Penny has not one hook for a hand, but TWO hooks for hands. How the heck did THAT happen?! And on a less important note, why does he have a girl's name?
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It must suck to be this guy when he gets itchy... |
Chuck nervously says that he's going to eat them in the bathroom, resulting in a toilet joke. Sanjay is inspired to eat HIS wings in the bathroom, too. For some reason.
You ever notice that 2010s cartoons have a bit of an obsession with hot wings? I remember the characters on Regular Show loved 'em, too. Are hot wings just the top food for hipsters or something? Don't get me wrong, I love chicken wings too (including hot wings), it just strikes me as a tad odd.
In the bathroom, Sanjay finds Chuck removing the wings' sauce so that he can put on some of his homemade sauce. He starts screaming, which attracts the attention of Craig and their friends Hector (Matt Jones) and Penny's daughter, Belle (Nika Futterman). Then Penny comes in, too. "He's... been... using... his... own... SAUCE!" Sanjay sobs, and then Penny runs off crying.
Are you just as confused as I am?
Anyhow, Penny reminds Chuck of the Frycade Frycode - A MAN NEVER PUTS HIS SAUCE ON ANOTHER MAN'S WINGS. He's so outraged that he bans Chuck from the Frycade. Craig agrees with me and asks what the big deal is, but then Penny gets ticked-off at him and Sanjay for "taking Chuck's side". As a result, he bans THEM too. Methinks Penny is a bit crazy.
The three run out crying over Penny's banning them for a ridiculously petty reason. "After all of Sanjay's money I spent on his stingy ways?!" Craig says angrily, right before noticing the bottle of Chuck's sauce in his pocket.
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Most snakes have venom. Craig has the ability to shoot red dotted lines out of his eyeballs. |
He sticks his tongue in the bottle and tastes the sauce, resulting in this...
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Okay, I will admit that's kind of funny. |
"This stuff's really good!" the snake says before telling Sanjay to have some. Sanjay, after tasting the sauce, agrees and tells Chuck that perhaps they can make their OWN wings with it. Then they wouldn't even NEED the Frycade, and they could become the top hot wing-sellers in town and teach Mr. Hookhands a lesson!
Soon they're able to get a food truck.
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Who did they buy it from, the Great Gonzo? |
And they also dress like this.
"LET'S GET THIS PARTY STARTED!" Craig shouts. Then Sanjay says, "Yo, I just farted!" Ha ha ha, fart joke. Then the chicken on the roof of the truck's head comes off and starts shooting out hot wings. "THIS IS THE STUPIDEST THING I'VE EVER SEEN!" Belle shouts, echoing my thoughts. Regardless, a bunch of people run out of the Frycade and start helping themselves to some of the raining hot wings.
You ever notice how most of the characters on this show look like characters from Bob's Burgers?
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"Yeah, come and eat some of the giant chicken's innards, which are currently shooting out of its neck!" |
"He's stealing all your customers! We've gotta do something!" Belle tells her father. Thus, they send Hector out in a cardboard box to order some wings. Don't know how that's going to help stop them from stealing Penny's customers, but whatever. Alas, Sanjay and Craig recognize him and get him to take off the box. After Hector runs off with the wings, Sanjay proclaims that he's "working with the enemy".
Belle tells Hector to taste the wings so they can find out Chuck's secret. Hector does, and deduces that the wings taste "tangy". This makes Penny mad - "HE KNOWS HOW MUCH I HATE TANGY!" he shouts in Hector's face.
Flashback time. We see a younger Penny and Chuck making barbeque sauce, and Chuck encourages Penny to make it extra-tangy because "everybody loves tangy". Instead, making the sauce extra-tangy causes it to explode. Apparently tanginess is explosive.
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What is this, Apocalypse Now? |
"It's payback time!" Penny snarls, and he heads out with a megaphone to tell all of Sanjay, Craig, and Chuck's customers that the Frycade has just added a petting zoo. The animals all have wings tied to them. Geddit? They all have wings because the Frycade sells wings?
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Isn't it redundant putting the wings on a pigeon, what with it already having wings? |
This doesn't work, so Belle comes up with another idea - having Hector fly over the food truck on a zipline with a can of "fish flakes", which he dumps all over the wings, resulting in them tasting "fishy". "DUDE! YOUR WINGS ARE AWFUL! YOU SHOULD FEEL AWFUL!" somebody shouts. Futurama did that joke better, but eh, I'll admit it's still kind of funny.
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Ringo Starr does not approve of Sanjay, Craig, and Chuck's wings tasting like fish. |
The customers all go back to the Frycade, which makes Sanjay, Craig and Chuck MAD! They shall get their revenge on Penny... or at least Sanay and Craig will.
That night, the two sneak into the Frycade so that they can sabotage Penny's secret spicy sauce. While they're in there, they notice a drawing that Penny did of his "secret plans" - to rename the Frycade to "Chuck and Penny's" - before he banned Chuck. This gives them an idea.
The next day, the wing truck is gone, and Chuck demands to know what Penny did with it. Penny replies by demanding to know why Chuck broke into the Frycade. Then Sanjay and Craig show up in the truck... which they have attached to the zipline. For some reason. "WE KNOW ABOUT YOUR PLAN, PENNY!" they call down to them. The truck winds up falling through the roof, and then Chuck and Penny run into the Frycade and are promptly showered with wing sauce - both Penny's spicy sauce and Chuck's tangy sauce. In one of those "you got your peanut butter in my chocolate" sort of things, they discover that the combination of sauces tastes delicious.
So Chuck and Penny apologize to each other, and we end on everybody enjoying some tasty "toilet wings"... well, except for Hector. This is what HE'S up to:
Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah... next episode!
"Ghost Pool" begins with... this guy in the middle of the woods.
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"Whassup? I'm Discount Johnny Bravo." |
Okay, so this guy is actually the star of a movie that Sanjay and Craig are watching. He's Remington Tufflips, who apparently is a real person but when I looked him up all I found were results about the cartoon character in this show. Couldn't find anything on the actual Remington Tufflips. Anyhow, their movie-watching is interrupted by Belle suddenly showing up and startling them. She's babysitting them, apparently. "We're not babies," Sanjay tells her. "Although we ARE a couple of babes." Then we get this:
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Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesh... |
Sanjay's mother (Grey Griffin) pops in and tells Sanjay and Craig that Belle's in charge, and also no water before bed. Apparently, Sanjay has the hots for Belle, and we get an incredibly creepy scene where he sniffs her hair. He tells her that the "ghost pool" Discount Johnny Bravo is exploring in the movie is actually based on a real pool in a nearby forest. "They say ghosts still haunt the place..." he says as the camera abruptly zooms in on his face. Then Sanjay suggests that they actually go there, because going to a place that's supposedly haunted when you're a cartoon character is automatically a good idea. Hasn't he seen any episodes of Scooby-Doo?
As they go outside to get in Belle's car, they run into Hector (remember him?). We get a gross close-up shot of the gum behind Hector's ear (don't worry, I'll spare you the screencap), and now he's coming along. While they're driving there, Sanjay makes this face:
It's even freakier with the chuckle he makes during this scene.
They start rapping, and eventually they arrive at the forest where this "ghost pool" supposedly is. Blah-blah-blah, they find the entrance to the "ghost pool" and we get another gross close-up (this one of Sanjay's teeth).
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"Duh, I wonder where the secret entrance to the ghost pool is... you don't think it's behind those vines over there, do ya? Duh..." |
The four idiots have themselves a "Ghost Pool Beach Party", and we get a montage of them having a blast... until they spot a mysterious shadowy figure zipping around the place. Then the whole place goes dark. "Maybe the clouds are covering the moon or something..." Sanjay nervously suggests, right before they spot a million red eyes staring at them.
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"Pssst! Hey, you! You have any Clear Eyes with ya? We hear that for dry red eyes, Clear Eyes is AWESOME!" |
They try to swim for it, but suddenly the water in the pool turns into red Kool-Aid! OH, NO!
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"How about a nice Hawaiian Punch?" |
They start hearing demonic laughter, and then a giant bat shows up and flies their way.
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Okay, I know it's an obvious joke, but... "We can't stop here! This is bat country!" |
So they try hiding from the bat underwater, only to encounter a talking skeleton. "That's it! We're getting out of here right now!" Belle exclaims once they reach the surface. But then the pool turns into a giant whirlpool, because I guess the "Ghost Pool" isn't done messing with them yet.
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I honestly kind of hope this episode's twist ending is that the "Ghost Pool" was actually just the Kool-Aid Man's toilet the whole time. |
Fortunately, Craig takes advantage of his being a snake to save himself, Sanjay and Belle. Hector, meanwhile, winds up going down the whirlpool because he's an idiot and wanted to save the skeleton. Sanjay, Craig and Belle try to leave, but an iron gate blocks the exit... and then this guy shows up.
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Hoo boy... |
I just realized something - Sanjay, Craig and Belle are all pretty skinny. And the gate's bars aren't all that thick. Surely they could slip through 'em.
But anyway, then Sanjay and Craig get an idea - in the movie, Discount Johnny Bravo entered the Ghost Pool to get a sword that was in there. So they just have to find the sword in this place.
And as it turns out, there IS a sword in this place! Hooray!
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"It's the Sword in the Stone! You know, just like from that one Disney movie!" |
But they'll have to hurry, because the big Viking robot guy... whatever that thing's supposed to be, it just vomited out a G-G-G-G-GHOOOOOOOOOOOOOST!
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"Like, zoinks, Scoob! It's a ghost made out of Nickelodeon's trademark green slime!" |
Before the ghost can attack Belle, Sanjay and Craig grab the sword.
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Then Belle decides to fight the ghost herself, and winds up slicing off the big robot Viking guy's head. And then the upper half of his body falls off. Then Belle notices that the sword is made of foam. Then Hector emerges from the big robot Viking guy's bottom half. What the heck is going on? Well, Sanjay admits that he and Craig overheard Sanjay's mom calling her to babysit them, and they set this whole thing up just so Belle wouldn't think they were babies. We get that "initially it looks like she's mad, but she's actually impressed" cliché, then Sanjay and Craig giggle like idiots. Which they are.
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So, how exactly did they make the water turn into a whirlpool of Kool-Aid again? Are we gonna get an explanation for that? Heck, what about the ghost and the talking skeleton? |
They all head outside, only to find out that Belle's car is gone. And where's Hector? Well, as it turns out, he and the talking skeleton stole Belle's car. The end.
Meh. This was lame, but it's not the worst Nicktoon I've ever seen. I thought "Ghost Pool" was a bit better than "Hot Sauce Boss", mainly because I actually got kind of invested in the big climax at the end, and I didn't see the twist at the end coming. But most of the show was just kind of blah. Sanjay and Craig are just the stereotypical "idiot kid and his idiot non-human best friend" characters, there's not much else to them. And most of the jokes fall flat. But you could do much worse. I would much rather watch this than something like Planet Sheen or Fanboy and Chum-Chum. Also, I appreciate that, despite Sanjay being Indian, they didn't make him a gigantic Indian stereotype like Raj from The Big Bang Theory.
And now, I'd like to end the review by subjecting you to THIS horrifying image again:
My apologies for whatever nightmares you have...
* To Mr. Enter's credit, he DID apologize. That's more than I can say for his fans, many of whom attempted to justify what he did and continued to insult Casey, though not on his Twitter page.